Disable call out menu in SharePoint 2013 document libraries

From: http://blog.incworx.com/blog/consulting-from-the-trenches/disable-call-out-menu-in-sharepoint-2013-document-libraries

We recently had a request from a customer that is in the process of upgrading from SharePoint 2007 to 2013 to change the way the edit menus look on items in lists and in document libraries. The desire was to return to the standard look used in SharePoint 2007 as they did not want the additional click when navigating to actions on an item.

This is a fairly easy fix to implement on your lists and document libraries by modifying your existing views or creating new views on the lists or libraries that prefer this look and feel.

The new call out menu looks like the example below



The old style view from 2007 is in the following format




In order to get the new menu strcture the easiest way will be to modify the existing view or create a new view for that document library or list.

To do so perform the following steps:

Go to your document library or list

In the ribbon clock on Library and then either Modify View or Create view


Once the view opens up you will scroll down to the bottom and you will see a section for Styles towards the bottom of the page on the left hand side. The current selection will be set to "Default"


There are references out there that list to change this to "Newsletter, no lines", however I dont care for this view as it shows the items with alternating shading on each line which to me does not look very clean.

Instead I utilize the "Basic Table" view as this shows the items just as it looks in a default SharePoint 2007 document library. So select "Basic Table" and then click OK to save the changes to the view.

Once this is complete you will see that the menu drop down next to all documents in your library look like the old 2007 look and feel as is shown above.