SSIS Excel connection manager error

PROBLEM: The package contains a simple "Execute SQL Task" that has a connectiontype "EXCEL" and connection set up to a pre configured Excel connection manager. 

The task is supposed to simply create a new spreadsheet using CREATE TABLE sql statement within the task.

It seems to run fine on a colleagues computer, however when im trying to run it on mine i experience the following error: "[Execute SQL Task] Error: Failed to acquire connection "Excel Connection Manager_LPL". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection."

SOLUTION: I was running the package on my computer with the Runas64Bit project property as TRUE.  Changing this to false fixed the issue.  I believe this is because the version of drivers I have for excel - ssis connectivity are 32bit. In the Project Properties->Degugging Section,  I set Run64bit RunTime to False. It started working now.