Using FindFirst in Access VBA with GUID

Private Sub cmdRefreshAllRecords_Click()
    Dim strGuidID As String
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
    ' This is NOT how to get the GUID
    ' The result will be "????????"
    strGuidID = Me.ID
    ' This will get the GUID. StringFromGUID is a built in MS Access function
    strGuidID = StringFromGUID(Me.ID)
    ' You can also get the GUID from the actual Records Field
    strGuidID = Me.Recordset.Fields("ID")
    Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
    If rst.RecordCount > 0 Then
        ' Here we must convert the ID field using the StringFromGUID field.
        ' ID is the name of the field in the Recordset/Underlaying Form
        rst.FindFirst "StringFromGUID(ID) = " & strGuidID
        Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
    End If
    Set rst = Nothing
End Sub

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