SQL Server - GRANT EXECUTE script

If you are working with SQL Stored Procedures and Functions, it's simple to add the db_owner role to your own login. However, when you want to release your database to a production environment you really want to take away the db_owner role as it has the ability to add, edit and remove database objects in a production environment. The proper way of assigning permissions is to give the user\group in question db_reader and db_writer privilages ONLY and remove the db_owner role. You then need to GRANT the user\group EXECUTE permission on all the Stored Procedures.

To do this you may need to run the following script in order to generate the script so this may be done quickly rather than applying the permission one by one. Once run, simply copy the results to a new window and Execute all lines.

DECLARE @User varchar(50)
SELECT @User = '[domain\userid]'

SELECT 'GRANT EXEC ON ' + name + ' TO ' + @User
FROM  dbo.sysobjects
WHERE type IN ('P', 'FN')
AND category = 0

OR if you want to GRANT to PUBLIC

DECLARE @User varchar(50)

SELECT 'GRANT EXEC ON ' + name + ' TO ' + @User
FROM  dbo.sysobjects
WHERE type IN ('P', 'FN')
AND category = 0

This link had more details regarding the objects you might need to query.

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