Cannot download .rdl files in SSRS Report Manager 2012

In this scenario, it can be many reasons to cause this problem, even the current user has enough authority to do anything on Report Manager. Please try to do trouble shooting as below:

  1. Run the browser as an Administrator.
  2. Add the Report Manager URL as Compatibility View settings.
  3. Use http://<servername>/reports instead of using Localhost.
  4. If the steps above still can't make you see the dropdown menu, it might caused by corrupt reportingservices.js file. Please try to restore this file on server.

Use Event Viewer to Tell When Your PC Last Rebooted

Windows only: If you've ever come back to your PC and noticed it was rebooted, you might be curious to know exactly when it was shut down?

To figure out when your PC was last rebooted, you can simply open up Event Viewer, head into the Windows Logs -> System log, and then filter by Event ID 6006, which indicates that the event log service was shut down—one of the last things that happens before a reboot. This technique won't help you figure out when there was a power outage, but you can filter by Event ID 6005 to see when the system was last turned on—that event shows when the event log service was started again.

It's a simple tip, but could come in handy if you come back to your PC and want to figure out whether Windows Update or somebody else restarted your PC in the middle of the night, or you're just curious how many times you've rebooted in the recent past.

SSIS Excel connection manager error

PROBLEM: The package contains a simple "Execute SQL Task" that has a connectiontype "EXCEL" and connection set up to a pre configured Excel connection manager. 

The task is supposed to simply create a new spreadsheet using CREATE TABLE sql statement within the task.

It seems to run fine on a colleagues computer, however when im trying to run it on mine i experience the following error: "[Execute SQL Task] Error: Failed to acquire connection "Excel Connection Manager_LPL". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection."

SOLUTION: I was running the package on my computer with the Runas64Bit project property as TRUE.  Changing this to false fixed the issue.  I believe this is because the version of drivers I have for excel - ssis connectivity are 32bit. In the Project Properties->Degugging Section,  I set Run64bit RunTime to False. It started working now.

Property Owner is not available for Database ‘[DBName]’.

This issue that I am talking about is a very common issue that I have seen. I have, in my experience, seen many users experiencing this issue; yet, most people do not know how to troubleshoot or fix this issue. Moreover, I have seen this issue on SQL Server 2005; although not tested, I am sure you might encounter this issue in SQL Server 2008 as well.

The issue is, you right-click on the database and choose properties. Now, instead of the database properties opening up, you get the message:

Cannot show requested dialog. (SqlMgmt)
Property Owner is not available for Database ‘[DBName]’. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights.

You do not face this issue with all databases; you can, in fact, see the properties of some of the databases and face this issue with some of the databases

One reason for this message, is obviously due to insufficient rights. But, say, you are logged in into the SQL Server using a sysadmin account, yet you face this issue. What might be the reason? Correct, the reason is that there is no owner for this database.

If you run the command “sp_helpdb Affected_Datababase_Name“, you would see that the “owner” property would show a NULL value. This issue can happen if the owner of the database is dropped from the Security Logins of the SQL Server. 


To fix the issue, run the following command against the affected database:

sp_changedbowner [ @loginame = ] ‘login’
                             [ , [ @map= ] remap_alias_flag ]

Permissions: Requires TAKE OWNERSHIP permission on the database. If the new owner has a corresponding user in the database, requires IMPERSONATE permission on the login, otherwise requires CONTROL SERVER permission on the server. [From Books Online] 

Again, according to the Books Online:

  • After sp_changedbowner is executed, the new owner is known as the dbo user inside the database. The dbo has implied permissions to perform all activities in the database.

  • The owner of the master, model, or tempdb system databases cannot be changed.

  • To display a list of the valid login values, execute the sp_helplogins stored procedure.

  • Executing sp_changedbowner with only the login parameter changes database ownership to login and maps the aliases of users that were previously assigned to dbo to this new database owner.

I hope this post is useful.


Save password for ODBC connection to MS SQL Server (and SQL Azure) from MS Access 2007

This trick works for a domainless environment AND when you want to connect to SQL Azure tables from you Access Web App.

The best solution is obviously to use Windows security.

If that is not suitable, here is a possible alternative trick, exploiting the fact that Access remembers all opened connections until Access is closed:

  1. copy the connect string of one of your tables
  2. create a passthru queries "ptqConnect" and enter any fast SQL statement in it, like SELECT 1
  3. paste the connect string of into the PTQ Connect property, and make sure you add the PWD=something; in it.
  4. in the startup procedure of your app make sure you call that PTQ. Something like DCount("*", "ptqConnect") will do.

That's it. Since Access remembers opened connections until you close it, even if you close the db, your other tables will now open without any fuss, even if no password is stored in the linked tables Connect string.

If you don't want to expose the connection string that includes the PWD, you could as well initiate a connection from VBA Code and hide the code by delivering a ACCDE or just password protecting the code. The choice is all yours.

From here:

Using FindFirst in Access VBA with GUID

Private Sub cmdRefreshAllRecords_Click()
    Dim strGuidID As String
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
    ' This is NOT how to get the GUID
    ' The result will be "????????"
    strGuidID = Me.ID
    ' This will get the GUID. StringFromGUID is a built in MS Access function
    strGuidID = StringFromGUID(Me.ID)
    ' You can also get the GUID from the actual Records Field
    strGuidID = Me.Recordset.Fields("ID")
    Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
    If rst.RecordCount > 0 Then
        ' Here we must convert the ID field using the StringFromGUID field.
        ' ID is the name of the field in the Recordset/Underlaying Form
        rst.FindFirst "StringFromGUID(ID) = " & strGuidID
        Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
    End If
    Set rst = Nothing
End Sub

Error Message. The file has been modified by SHAREPOINT-system

I deployed a SharePoint feature that has an Event Receiver and ran into this error when trying to update the Today Column during a nightly batch run. The Error occured on random Document Libray items. So I did some research and found out that I needed to update the Event Receiver to run as Synchonous when Updating items. This solved the problem! By default Event Receivers run Asynchrounsly, which is not always ideal, especially in this situation.

To fix this problem just update the Element.xml file for the Event Receiver in question for the event type (Updating) you want to run as Synchronous as follows. Then redeploy. Be sure to Deactivate and Activate the site feature once it has been redeployed since it might not be used everywhere.

<Synchronization>Synchronous</Synchronization> under Elements -> Receivers -> Receiver tag

Also in my nightly batch job I used the following code to disable Events when Updating... The Using Code is further down the page.

//Disables Events when updating
using (var scope = new DisabledItemEventsScope())
SPList list = oWebsite.Lists["Code Rules"];
//This must be switched on, otherwise the Update method will throw an exception.
collWebsite[i].AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;

for (int k = list.Items.Count - 1; k >= 0; k--)
SPListItem item = list.Items[k];
//This only Works if the List Item was manually Updated before using a column called Today.
item.Properties["Today"] = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

//SystemUpdate Updates without changing the Modified Time OR Modified By and DOES NOT make a New Version!
collWebsite[i].AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;

        #region DisabledItemEventsScope
        /// <summary>
        /// Disabled item events scope
        /// </summary>
        /// <see cref=""/>
        class DisabledItemEventsScope : SPItemEventReceiver, IDisposable
            bool oldValue;

            public DisabledItemEventsScope()
                this.oldValue = base.EventFiringEnabled;
                base.EventFiringEnabled = false;

            #region IDisposable Members

            public void Dispose()
                base.EventFiringEnabled = oldValue;

        #endregion DisabledItemEventsScope

Good Luck!

Windows 2008 R2 logon as batch job - Required for running Task Scheduler

  1. Type in secpol.msc /s
  2. Select "Local Policies" in MSC snap in
  3. Select "User Rights Assignment"
  4. Right click on "Log on as batch job" and select Properties
  5. Click "Add User or Group", and include the relevant user.


I'm posting this as some idiot at a stupid company (you know who you are!!) changed a Global Group policy and it broke the permissions for the Service Account used to run Task Manager Jobs.

Good Luck!