When you share your folders on Windows 10/11/2022 etc. Sometimes the VLC App on your TV will not see these folders. You have to enable the SMB Server/Client features ON. This is what I had to do in order for the Shared Folders to appear in the VLC App.

Note too that I had issues connecting to the Domain Controller. I used the following format to create a link. smb://yourUsername:Password@192.168.x.x Then I had to open the link and go back twice on the Firestick remove to get into the folder!
I followed this link: VLC Network Sharing Not Working : r/VLC (reddit.com)
If you Turn on Network Discovery, click Save Settings, then review it again and it's Off again then you need to check the following 4 Services. Set them to Automatic and then start the Services. You'll hopefully find that turning on Network Discovery now stays on!!

For network discovery, it's a common issue.
Open Services and make sure the following services are all running:
- DNS Client
- Function Discovery Resource Publication
- SSDP Discovery
- UPnP Device Host
After that turn network discovery on again and it should stay enabled.
I recently got this error when trying to install a SharePoint CU (KB5002629) on SharePoint Subscription Edition. This is a corrupt C:\Windows\Installer folder, or maybe someone deleted some of the files/folders from this directory to save space. You should NEVER do that!! This is the error that was popping up. I tried some older CU's and got the same error.

To fix this issue you need to update the C:\Windows\Installer folder from a working server. Luckily I have a PROD and the DEV was the issue, so I was able to fix this using a script that someone kindly created.
The Script is here: This script was designed as a fix Windows "Installer" by restoring the missing Package(*.msi)/Patches(*.msp) files with the following steps: 1. Identifying the missing files. 2. Crawl the missing files from specified folder or other healthy machine. · GitHub
Someone wrote a nice blog here to explain the solution. Using PowerShell to restore Missing Windows Installer cache items (schottsql.com)
This script pulled missing files from the working sharepoint installer .\Restore-InstallerFiles.ps1 -SourceFolder "D:\InstallerFiles", "E:\InstallerFiles", "\MachineX\D$\MSI Files";