How to create List using Power shell Script in SharePoint 2013

In this post we are going to see how to create Custom List from Power Shell in SharePoint 2013.

Create a SharePoint Custom List  Student Info with Columns
SNo    -  Number
SName  -  Text
Gender -  Choice
Photo  -  URL

#To which site u want to create the list
$spWeb=Get-SPWeb -Identity

#List type or template
$spTemplate = $spWeb.ListTemplates["Custom List"]

#Get all the lists to the listcollection

#adding the new list to the list collection

#get the path of subsite and sitecollecion
$path = $spWeb.url.trim()

#get the list to the list object
$spList = $spWeb.GetList("$path/Lists/Studentlist")

#adding the field type(Number) to the list
$spFieldType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldType]::Number

#adding the field type(Text) to the list
$spFieldType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldType]::Text

#adding the field type(choice) to the list
$choices = New-Object System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
$spFieldType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldType]::Choice

#adding the field type(url) to the list

$Views = $spList.Views["All Items"]

$Views.Update() - See more at:

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