In order to update the list we can either use SPListItem.update or SPLIstItem.SystemUpdate or UpdateOverwrite version
The basic difference between these three methods is as follows
• Update the database with the fields you want to change
• Modified and Modified By fields not changed
• No new version (You can pass false to the method just to enable generating a new version)
• New Version
• Update the modified and modified by fields
• No new version.
• Updates the item without creating a new version of the item
• Update the modified time and modified by fields
“If you are stuck trying to update a field for a document library, please be aware of two things in Sharepoint 2007/WSS 3.0.
1. Even if you are NOT using Checked out/checked in, the document still has a SPCheckOutStatus.ShortTerm attached to it for a brief period of time. Trying to SPListItem.Update or SPFile.Item.Update at this point will likely tell you that the file is locked for editing. There is a .checkoutexpires property to check if you absolutely must wait for the item to be checked back in. (e.g. Are they really done with that darn thing?)
2. Even if you do NOT have versioning turned on, you are, in fact, working with a new version of the document. Use SPListItem.SystemUpdate(false) in order to bypass a short term locked document. “[1]
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