Log onto the Azure Portal, go to the App Services and select the App that you need to publish from Visual Studio to Azure.
Click on Get publish Profile. This downloads a Settings file.
In Visual Studio go to Publish and selete the "Import Profile" option.

Then import the Profile that you just exported from Azure. Done!
More Info Here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21098333/visual-studio-compiles-fine-but-it-still-shows-red-lines Visual Studio 2019 is showing red underline all the time, even when it compiles fine!
Closing Visual Studio and removing the .vs folder located in the solution directory worked for me.
This folder has a hidden attribute. You may need to change settings in folder options to show hidden files.
When you’re trying to open your SSIS or SSRS solution, you will get a message that the migration has failed or ‘The application which this project type is based on was not found.‘
From https://www.jonashendrickx.com/2017/06/26/cannot-open-ssrsssis-projects-vs2017/
Method 1
- Open ‘Microsoft Visual Studio 2017‘.
- In the menu bar, expand ‘Tools‘, then choose ‘Extensions & Updates‘. to install an extension.
- Search for ‘Microsoft Reporting Services Projects‘, and install this extension.
- To complete the installation, shut down all windows and instances of Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. Then the installer will start.
- Try to open your solution or projects (*.rptproj) again.
Method 2
- Close all windows and instances of ‘Microsoft Visual Studio 2017‘.
- Download ‘Microsoft Reporting Services Projects‘ from the Visual Studio marketplace.
- Open your solution or project.
To "Dynamically" change the path of a Reference in Visual Studio you first need to Unload the Project, then Edit the *proj file.
Go down to the References Section change the Hard Coded Path to $(Configuration). This will dynamically change the reference when the Configuration is changed.
<Reference Include="Dafran.Exceptions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=08f619978b79cd15, processorArchitecture=MSIL">